North Boston, NY Firefighter David Blank was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and has been hospitalized at the Roswell Park Cancer Center since July 3rd undergoing chemotherapy. While undergoing treatment, a nurse there asked him how he planned on passing the time while he was in the hospital. His response was “I want to wear a different fire company t-shirt every day of my treatment, as part of a support system through my chemotherapy.” Members of the Echo Hose Hook and Ladder saw this post on Facebook and sent Firefighter Blank a company cancer awareness t-shirt in support of his fight against cancer. 2,100 fire department t-shirts were sent to Firefighter Blank to support his fight against cancer, but the one that stood out the most was the one sent by the Echo Hose Members. Below are pictures sent by family and friends of Firefighter Blank.