Around 1:30 a.m. companies 1, 4 & 5 were dispatched to 255 Canal Street for the working structure fire. Due to the building type and exposure problems additional resources were needed. Ladder 33 from Station 3 was called to the scene as well as Derby Fire Departments Engine 11 & Truck 15. The first arriving units encountered heavy fire conditions from an abandoned factory building with fire spreading to the building next door which still houses a business. All 3 ladder trucks were setup and master streams went into work along with multiple hand lines from crews on the ground. Due to a “no entry” order on the abandoned building, a defensive attack had to be taken. Crews were able to take an offensive attack on the occupied business, which resulted in saving the building & business from any significant damage. Buildings of that age and size provide firefighters with a difficult time when fighting fires. Crews from Shelton & Derby fought through that difficult time and as a result got the job done without any serious injuries or loss of life. For more information click the links below. Pictures & videos can be found under our Media section.