Echo Hose Hook & Ladder Fire Co. #1 will be hosting their annual Festival of Trees on Saturday, December 1st at 0900 hrs at Apple Rehab Shelton Lakes located at 5 Lake Rd in Shelton. This fundraising event helps to finance the Kids Christmas Party as well as toy donations to Griffin Hospital, Bridgeport Hospital and Toys for Tots. This will be our 4rd year running the event and it has been an overwhelming success in the previous years.
Individuals have 2 options for making donations:
1.) Individuals can purchase their own fake tree, decorations, etc and come the night before to set up the tree. It will then be raffled off the day of the event.
2.) Individuals can make a monetary donation of $60 and the Festival of Trees Committee will handle purchase, set up, and decoration of the tree to be raffled off.
All trees will be in the hallway of the Apple Rehab Shelton Lakes Facility for viewing. Anyone may attend and purchase tickets which will be dropped off in containers in front of the tree for the raffle. Winners will be contacted by the Festival of Trees Committee if they have won. There will also be baked goods for purchase.
Any questions please contact Secretary Matti Skurat @ 203-929-5836