“When people are having the worse day of their lives they call us for help. They call us and let us into their homes because they trust us and know we are professional.”
Membership Information

Now Is The Time
“All you need is the drive and desire to succeed”
Since 1882, the Echo Hose Hook & Ladder has been comprised of people just like you. Our Members are mothers, fathers, tradesmen, truck drivers, emt’s, career firefighters and more. Taking the leap forward and becoming a firefighter with us may seem intimidating. No firefighting experience is necessary, so we provide you with the skills and training necessary to become a successful and aggressive firefighter.
that lasts a lifetime
provided for free
fire apparatus
Classes Of Membership
Auxiliary members provide a special service to the Echo Hose. They assist in social events, fundraisers, community outreach and much more.
Those who join are considered a probationary firefighter. You undergo a 13 month probation period where you are expected to perform tasks, training, chores and maintain a certain percentage of alarm responses. This period is your chance to prove your abilities to your fellow firefighters and yourself.
Active members are those who have completed their 13 month probation period and found favorable by their fellow firefighters to be voted in as an active firefighter. You’re still required to maintain a certain percentage of alarms yearly, attend required training, events, fundraisers and other functions vital to the success of the Echo Hose.
The Process
Minimum Requirements
So you’re interested in becoming a member of the Echo Hose?
The basic requirements to join are simple.
– You must be at least 16 years old
– An actual resident of the City of Shelton, or a resident of one of the following municipalities within 5 miles of Fire Headquarters; Derby, Ansonia, Monroe, Trumbull, Stratford, or Milford.Submit Application
Next is to fill out an application for membership. This can be done online or in person accompanied by a $20.00 application fee.
Upon receiving your application, a company officer or investigation committee member will contact you to schedule an interview and tour. We will use this time to learn about who you are and why you would like to join our company.
You will be required to pass a medical examination as well as a background check.
Final Approval
Upon successful completion of each item, your application will come before the company. If accepted by a favorable vote, you will officially be a member of the Echo Hose Hook & Ladder Co.1 and your journey as a Firefighter will begin.

Attend alarms, drills, meetings, work parties, fundraisers, and company events. Perform your assigned firehouse chore and learn the apparatus equipment. Respect the public – Being a firefighter is an honor and a privilege. Being issued a badge doesn’t mean you deserve special treatment.

As a probationary member you will have specific duties, know what they are. Stay physically fit! Firefighting is one of the most physically demanding jobs in the world. Be accountable. The only person accountable for your actions is you. If you make a mistake, own it.

Top Responder of the Quarter – Each quarter the Recruitment and Retention Officer will be award the top 5 responders of each company. LOSAP (Length of Service Awards Program) – Attend (6) drills, (3) meetings, and 20% of calls for 3 years. If the company responds to over 700 calls, members must attend 15% of calls. After 3 years you start to become vested. The age to begin collecting is 65. Free Training – The city pays and or will reimburse you for all training. Training classes such as Firefighter III, Fire Instructor, Fire Officer, Water, Elevator Technician, EMT, MRT, etc. The satisfaction of serving your community!

Take The Next Step
Having the opportunity to serve your community as a firefighter is an honor and a privilege. On the contrary, firefighting is a business of service. When people are having the worse day of their lives they call us for help. They call us and let us into their homes because they trust us. Take the next step and become one of Shelton’s Bravest today.